Amusing and Informative, Your Lil' Sister Loves to Get the 'Scoop' on the Mainstream Media and To Present a Variety of Obscure, Under-Reported and Decidedly-More Newsworthy Items From Around The Globe; You'll Also Be Privy To Pieces of My Own Personal Paranormal Phenomena; and Frequently Hear of Things Your Parents, Clergy, Society and Uncle Sam didn't bother to tell you. But, I will... In Other Words: The Way This Grrrl Sees It!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Zombies Are Coming: AMC's "The Walking Dead" Series Premieres On October 31st. Halloween.
I'll see your handful of bloodthirsty, breathless - yet breathtakingly-handsome, nocturnal killers and raise you a world-wide population saturated with pandemic-mutated, walking -yet rotting, undead gray-matter gourmands...
Check This Out:
AMC has just announced (With Official Trailer Video Below) the date of the highly-anticipated premiere of "The Walking Dead", Frank Darabont's (Shawshank Redemption) take on Robert Kirkman's comic book series about the zombie apocalypse:
October 31st.
Yep, Halloween... Looks like The Dead really are going to rise this Halloween!
(*Don't get me wrong, though. I'll always love vamp stories I can sink my teeth into, but the upcoming Zombie-pocalypse is going to be Awesome!)
Monday, August 23, 2010
We Are All Africans. Cousins. It's Written In Our DNA.
Goals which included identifying all 20K-25K genes & determining the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs within human DNA.
Quite the accomplishment!
And, they're not done, yet.
Genetic Research, as a field, continues to grow and be fruitful - with significant focus in the areas of human health & the diagnosis/treatment/cure of disease.
This 'Road-Map' of human DNA has - as any good road-map does for travelers - allowed us to identify both humanity's Migratory Starting Point and the Route(s) taken.
Case In Point:
As chronicled in "The Journey Of Man" (I just watched it on PBS), Geneticist Spencer Wells and his team traveled to the far corners of the globe, collected small amounts of blood, extracted DNA and analyzed it (focusing on the Y-chromosome) in order to unravel the secrets of humanity's earliest migrations.
It's a remarkable and informative documentary about a fascinating field.
(*Spoiler Alert*)
Mr. Wells' findings are based on detailed scientific study - using state-of-the-art equipment - of thousands of DNA samples from all over the world.
And, after thoroughly evaluating the collected evidence, Mr. Wells concluded that All (modern) humans (regardless of perceived 'nationality') are of African descent.
Wells' work showed how every bit of DNA to be found in any of our bodies can, today, be traced back to an African source.
In other words... We (All of Humanity) Are All Africans... We Are All Cousins... Separated by no more than 2,000 generations.
Very Cool.
For your reading pleasure:
1.) Interview Excerpt From: Wells, S.: The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey.
(Source: Princeton University Press)
2.) We Are All Africans
All non-African females are descendants of L3 line from Africa, and males have Y chromosome M-168
Nayan Chanda
(Source: YaleGlobal Online - A Publication of Yale Center for the Study of Globalization)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Is Fox News a Terrorist Command Center? Let's Follow The Connections...
"Is Fox News a Terrorist Command Center?"
Honestly, I really don't know... not for sure.
And, neither does Jon Stewart, for that matter.
But, if you look closely at what plays on the screen...
Well, anyone can see it there.
Plain as day...
Notice what Jon is holding in his hands: a large, white note-card.
The very card which displays the names of certain shadowy and powerful men on it... written in black.
At the top is Rupert Murdoch's name, followed by a certain Saudi Sheik - one who owns the most NewsCorp stock outside the Murdoch family - and then, at the bottom, there's Former Mayor Giuliani's name.
If we were to go beyond the names?
Well, there's a maze of curious, deep and long connections which could be drawn between all of them... if one were inclined to do so.
And, saving the best for last...
There's that accursed yet ever present yellow highlighter...
(Cue ominous background music)
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Extremist Makeover - Homeland Edition | |||| | ||||
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Follow The Money say O'Reilly/Beck/Huckabee/Fox... So, Follow This: NewsCorp-$1Mill=GOP+$1Mill
You Want To Uncover And Expose Which Crooked Corporations Are Making Large Campaign Contributions In Order To Buy Political Influence in America...
You Need Only Do One Thing:
"Follow The Money Trail!"
~ The Passionate Exhortation Of Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck & Mike Huckabee over at Fox "News".
Glenn Beck uses chalk, chalkboards, melodrama and meandering mazes to illustrate the twisted tie-ins he perceives pervade American politics (and, occasionally, he throws in the nazis and/or hitler - I refuse to capitalize those two words.).
Here's a very recent example of exactly how the recent and asinine U.S. Supreme Court decision to allow unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns may have opened the floodgates to f.s.u. (fk stuff up) in American politics:
NewsCorp (The Parent Company of Fox "News") just gave $1Million to the GOP.
For those who may be accustomed to Glenn Beck's method of doing things, I'm repeating Jon Stewart's example - sans chalkboard - here goes:
Now, Remember What Bill, Glenn and Mike Said, "Follow The Money.".
NewsCorp/Fox-----$1Million Dollars-----GOP/Republicans
Easy, huh?
Check Out Jon Stewart's Delightful Take on this event...
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
News Corp. Gives Money to Republicans | |||| | ||||
Monday, August 16, 2010
Cordoba Islamic Cultural Center (w/mosque) Becomes Ground Zero For Religious Intolerance and Bigotry
It began about two weeks ago.
I'd been trying to ignore the issue.
To me, it was just another case of up-for-election Republicans and other right-wing, conservative, agitating panic-button pushers, well... you know..pushing certain people's "panic buttons".
I was confident then and I am confident now that the U.S. Constitution will win out over irrationality, various forms of bigotry and that ugly "Us(Americans) V. Them(Americans)" mentality.
Still, things would occasionally pop-up on my radar...
One evening, a late night news program I had been watching - it was on more for noise than for my actual visual attention - made the unfortunate decision to shine a light on a Tweet sent out by Twit(terer) Sarah Palin:
"Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate."
*First: It is Not a "Ground Zero Mosque". The project is for the Cordoba Islamic Cultural Center - kind of like the YMCA. (It includes a Mosque but, so what? The structure - it was a Burlington Coat Factory until 9/11- is one which Muslims currently use for prayers.) The construction site is located at least two blocks away from the former WTC.Second: "Peaceful Muslims"?
Third: "Refudiate" is not a word.
That was followed by tweet #2:
"Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real"
(* Refute: "To prove wrong.")Third time's the charm?
"Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing"
What's with the "Peace-seeking Muslims..."? Why the qualifier?
"Peace-seeking"? As opposed to... what?
"77 Virgin-obsessed, terror baby cell-making, freedom-hating Muslims, maybe?
As with most blatant examples of religious bigotry and/or xenophobia... much hilarity ensued and before long, all three Tweets became "Deletes".
Much ado was made of the trio of tweets and of the responses of various people to the former and failed Vice Presidential candidate's intolerance-inciting tweets.
Finally, after she'd gotten it all off of her chest, she tried for funny:
Palin tweeted the following:
“English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!”
Yes, it's living and in a constant state of siege.
As for "Shakespeare" ~ Ms. Palin, May I present to you An Irrefutable Truth:
The sum total of all that you and William Shakespeare have in common is only surpassed by one thing: The sum total of all that George W. Bush and The Bard have in common.
Now, I promise to Celebrate, if you will go hibernate.
Last night (Monday), from the moment that I first became aware of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's official statement on the Islamic Cultural Center Issue...
I was surprised. I was angry. I simply couldn't ignore it no longer.
(Statement made by Reid's spokesman):
"The First Amendment (of The US Constitution) protects freedom of religion."
"Senator Reid respects that but thinks the mosque should be built someplace else."
Really, Senator Reid?
Here's what I think:
First of all... Senator Reid, you live in Nevada. M.Y.O.B.
If you're really bored or have too much free time... Take that excess energy and go hold fundraisers and campaign against the nuttiest little fruitcake in Nevada: Ms. Sharron Angle, your Republican opponent in the upcoming election.
Regarding your above statement: I think that, one phrase in the second sentence of your statement - starting from the "but" (5th word) and ending with the "else" (13th)...
Well, that phrase pretty much invalidates, nulls and voids both the first sentence of your statement and the first four words of the second sentence ("Senator Reid respects that...").
If you respect our U.S Constitutionally-Protected Right To Freedom of Religion, as you claim... Then your alleged "respect" must apply in each/every/all cases involving freedom of religion and equal protection under the law.
Or, are you trying to "have your cake and eat it, too... Hmm?
I also think that - if you are - that you should stop cowing to irrational, illogical people. Are worried that they out number the rational and logical ones? How about if, instead of cowing to their delusions, try explaining the Truth to them in a way that they understand. And, if necessary, suggest they take a class which delves into our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments.
And, finally, Senator Reid: If you are the person who actually put the above-mentioned statement together... And, if you actually believe that those two distinct ideas... Religious Freedom and Religious Bigotry - two complete polar opposites - can exist simultaneously in the same space/time...
Well, then, perhaps you should look into finding a worthy Democratic candidate as a replacement and then retire to seek medical attention.
The thoughtful and insightful article below explains the issue at hand much more poetically than I am able to at the moment. I'm still somewhat shocked that Mr. Reid said that.
From: God's Politics: a blog by Jim Wallis & friends
By: Julie Clawson
"I’ve become used to seeing images of protests on the news recently. While a few years ago these were displayed as sure signs of anti-American sentiments, they are now a mainstay on the nightly news. Hardly a day goes by without seeing some sign calling Obama a Muslim socialist or demanding that the government not take away Medicare in order to pay for socialized heath care. But it was seriously disturbing to see the images from New York City yesterday of the protest of the Muslim center going in two blocks from the site of Ground Zero. The planned center is being built in an old Burlington Coat Factory building and will include a fitness center, community meeting rooms, and a mosque. Basically it’s the neighborhood YMCA with that weird contemporary church plant meeting in the yoga room on Saturday nights. But it’s Muslim and therefore has drawn out the haters.
The organization Stop Islamization of America, a self-proclaimed human rights group, organized the protest on Sunday. This group’s mission is to ensure the preservation of freedom of speech against Islamic supremacist intimidation and attempts to make the United States compliant with Shari’a [Islamic law]. After reading about this group and seeing some of the photos Samir Selmanovic posted from the event as he stood in solidarity with Muslims (including the one here), I couldn’t help but reflect on the tendency in this country for us to fear and hate the other.
It is an odd balance, American’s strike between forgiveness and hate.
On one hand we become obsessed with stories of extreme forgiveness.
The Amish women who chose to forgive and love the families of the man who killed their children so captured our attention the story was even turned into a movie. We prize such extreme acts of love almost to the point of fetishizing them, and yet when the offenders are too different from us we cling to our hatred.
I remember listening to my grandfather’s tales of World War II and first realizing this strange tension between forgiveness and prejudice. He fought on the German front as a naval officer, he was part of the D-Day invasion, ferried Patton across the Rhine River, and had his best friend blown away in the foxhole next to him. Year later, as a man of German descent himself, he had easily forgiven the Germans for the war and yet still spoke with extreme contempt about the Japanese.
Forgiving those like us is easy; extending mercy to those who are other is where our fear often strangles our compassion.
This fear of the other prevents us from seeing the world clearly.
Our belief in our own rightness clouds how we see the other.
During my time at Wheaton College there was much debate about changing the school’s mascot from that of Crusader. While it was eventually changed to the Wheaton Thunder, many people could not understand why there was any reason to change it at all. They thought it was preposterous that any person (especially Muslims and Jews) would be offended by the image or judge modern day Christians by the past actions of historical Crusaders.
Yet, even in the church we daily judge Muslims by the actions of a few of its members.
So, while we applaud the Amish women for their acts of forgiveness, the fear and hatred sparked by the events of 9/11 still inform the average American’s opinion of Muslims. So to the protesters, the building of a Muslim center and mosque so near the site of Ground Zero is just another act of violence — a threat to American supremacy.
There is no forgiveness of the terrorists and the grudge against them is extended to all Muslims.
I, like many of the Muslims involved, understand the need to tread carefully here. Even in working for peace and reconciliation one has to be aware of how one’s actions might offend people who have been previously hurt. This is why Wheaton eventually did change its mascot, out of a desire to promote love and healing instead of reopening old wounds. But it is pure fear of the other that is sparking some to say just having Muslims near Ground Zero is offensive.
It is heartbreaking knowing that many of the protesters are there claiming to represent Jesus while they scream their message of hate. This isn’t just about protesting political ideas but a demonstration of our bondage to sin. The images of the protest hurt as they mock everything the faith I follow claims to uphold.
As I wait to see how this current drama unfolds, I can’t help but wonder what it will take for American Christians to move from just fetishizing forgiveness to actually letting mercy and compassion for all rule our hearts."
Julie Clawson is the author of Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices
Sunday, August 15, 2010
US Cattle Cloned From Dead Animals. Demand Clone-Free Food Labels
I encourage you to actively fight for Your Right To Be Informed About What, Exactly, Is In The Food That You Are Eating.
I feel that it's imperative for all of us to demand that the FDA approve either "Cloned Food" Labels Or "Clone-Free Food" Labels.
Check This Out...
I just stumbled across what I deem to be a significantly newsworthy story:
You'll never guess what the FDA is allowing into the US Food Supply...
Without Your Knowledge or Informed Consent?
What surprised me the most about this meaty morsel is...
The fact that this is a US-based story, regarding the US Food Supply/Chain.
It's about something which effects every single American...
Yet, the first and - so far - only article covering it from a major worldwide news source/outlet comes from the U.K?
From the BBC?
(Not that I'm unappreciative. I'm very grateful to them.)
But, why wasn't the first article/report...
No, wait...
(I had to double-check.)
Why isn't there any report coming out of ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.?
Here's a "taste"...
12 August 2010
Cattle 'Cloned From Dead Animals'
By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News
"Some of the cattle cloned to boost food production in the US have been created from the cells of dead animals."
"Farmers say it is being done because it is only possible to tell that the animal's meat is of exceptionally high quality by inspecting its carcass."
"Cloning is not used by livestock farmers in Europe, and there are moves by some members of the European Parliament to ban it altogether."
"Two years ago, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that meat and milk from cloned animals were safe to eat. Ever since then, products from the offspring of cloned animals have entered the food chain."
Here's the Link to the entire article:
Friday, August 13, 2010
Why You Should Care About California's Proposition 8 Case
Because, the battle isn’t only about gay and lesbian rights.
As written, California’s Prop. 8 was state-sanctioned discrimination.
So, the issue is really one of justice.
To allow Prop. 8 to stand, unopposed, would be cowardly thing to do. Not only that, it would also threaten everyone's liberty.
Think about it...
It wasn’t that long ago that a number of states had anti-miscegenation - so-called ”racial purity” laws. These laws made it illegal for people of different races to marry.
Then, on June 12, 1967, the US Supreme Court struck down the laws (Loving V Virginia), saying they were discriminatory and, therefore, unconstitutional.
And... surprise! surprise!, the "traditional institution of marriage” survived evolving further to include recognizing the right of people to marry regardless of their race.
And, what does this show?
It shows that the “institution of marriage” isn't a fragile wisp of a thing.
The "institution of marriage" will survive evolving even further to include recognizing the right of gay and lesbian citizens to marry whom they love, too.
America is a shining example of what civilized society can be. We are proud of our founding documents which guarantee inalienable rights, freedom, equality and equal protection - for all Americans.
So, I encourage you to open your eyes, minds and hearts.
And, to fight against falling victim to the attempts of manipulative, short-sighted and small-minded people whose goal is to control you by fueling fallacious fears, encouraging intolerance or inciting hatred..
Thank You.
Here's a good article on Prop. 8 and the continuing court case from
Re-Starting California's Gay Marriages: No Contest?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
If "Milk Does A Body Good" Then Watercress Does A Body Supercalifragilisticexpi...(Oh, you know the rest)

I just read something Amazing about... Watercress!
We've all heard the now-ubiquitous catchphrase spoken at the end of milk commercials...
"Milk... It Does A Body Good!"
I have long had and continue to have nagging doubts as to the veracity of that claim.
And - for the sake of full-disclosure - You should know that I voluntarily swore off all commercial milk and dairy products at least a decade ago... for humanitarian, environmental and health reasons.
(I've included some of these below the Watercress info.)
Regarding that "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" item in the title...
Looking for a food item that will provide a significant source of calcium and other nutrients?
Then, forget the cow's milk and head to the produce aisle.
You'll find a much better and healthier source of calcium in something that the cows probably wish they could eat... Watercress!
"Not only is watercress extremely nutritious, it's about as close as you can get to a calorie-free food. Calorie for calorie, it provides four times the calcium of 2 percent milk. Ounce for ounce, it offers as much vitamin C as an orange and more iron than spinach. It's packed with vitamin A and has lots of vitamin K, along with multiple antioxidant carotenoids and protective phytochemicals.
The nutrients in watercress protect against cancer and macular degeneration, help build the immune system, and support bone health. The iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your body's tissues for energy. The phytochemicals in watercress battle cancer in three ways: killing cancer cells, blocking carcinogens, and protecting healthy cells from carcinogens. They've also been shown to help prevent lung and esophageal cancer and can help lower your risk for other cancers."
You can cook it, but watercress is better for you when you eat it raw. Tuck it into a sandwich in place of lettuce. Toss it with your favorite vegetables and eat it in a salad. Watercress is great in pesto. Or, add some to your favorite smoothie.
And here - if you're interested - are some of the reasons why my body and I are perfectly happy, healthy and do just fine (thank you) without cow's milk:
1.) The Bottom Line: In humans, a mother's milk is produced for the sole purpose of providing their infant offspring the best nourishment.
This is also true of cow's milk: it is meant to be consumed only by their offspring - calves.
Other than human beings, no other mammal continues to drink it's mother's milk - let alone another mammal's mother's milk - into adulthood.
2.) Commercial dairy farming practices are, in both my opinion and that of millions of others, cruel and inhumane. They also go completely against the natural biological evolution of the animals.
* Cows are grazing animals and ruminants, having evolved over millions of years to eat virtually nothing but grass. Grass is what their teeth and internal biology are designed to consume, process and digest. But, grass is high-fiber and low nutritional density and - although it would be enough to feed a calf - it does not result in a high enough milk yield to satisfy market demand. So, they are supplied with a low-fiber, high-protein feed of grains such as corn and soy along with animal by-products (leftover parts/wastes). Such grain-based feeds are unsuitable for their digestive systems and is thus difficult for them to digest, causing health problems.
* In order for a dairy farm to produce milk, its cows must be lactating. Lactation only happens as a result of the cow having given birth to a calf. This means that a dairy farm cow spends its entire lifetime in an endless cycle of insemination, pregnancy, parturition, and lactation (and separation). (Source:
What happens to all of those calves?
* Virtually all commercial dairy farms take calves away from their mothers immediately or within a few days of giving birth - undoubtedly a traumatizing experience for both the mother and her brand new offspring. (Dairy farms can't allow the babies to drink the milk which was produced for them by their mothers, because the sole purpose of a commercial dairy farm is to produce, collect and sell the as much of the calves' mother's milk as possible to human consumers.)
* Female calves become dairy cows like their mothers - frequently replacing other members of the herd, as the death rate is high. About half of all calves born will be non milk-producing males. Males are worthless to dairy farmers. So, males are either killed or sold to crated veal farms. These are places where the male calves are chained or tied up - usually in a dark wooden crate or similar tight spot to severely restrict movement - and are fed an iron-deficient liquid diet, so that when they are slaughtered several months later, their meat is pale in color.
* Cows’ natural life expectancy is 20 years or more. But, the average dairy cow lives just 3 to 4 years.
* Beyond the evolutionary and humanitarian/animal cruelty issues, there's the injected synthetic growth hormones ("The United States is the only industrialized nation that permits the use of growth hormone in animals used for food." Source:, mastitis and various other diseases (including mad-cow), widespread over-use of antibiotics (leading to antibiotic-resistant bacteria), elevated levels of IGF-1/Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (both of which are found in the milk) and the amount of phosphorus-dense manure created... but, I'll let you look into these serious issues and other commercial dairy-related potential threats to human health on your own.
So, if not cow's milk, what else?
I've been sticking with organic enriched - contains significant calcium, protein and other vitamins - soy milk.
(And for those who've heard whisperings of too-much-soy related issues, I don't drink a lot of it, I just like it in my coffee.)
Many grocery stores are already offering an ever-increasing variety of non-dairy "milks" on their shelves now. Rice milk, almond milk and hemp milk are just a few of them.
Many product lines include Organic choices and even offer tasty flavors like Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and Coffee.
You can also choose Low-Fat, if you prefer.
Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Official HD Trailer
All I have to say is, "Wow!"... "OMG!" and "That Was Bloody Awesome!"
And, I do mean "Bloody".
But, hey... If you Love gorgeous cinematography, watching countless beautiful people (speaking with lovely accents), lush period costumes, incredibly-choreographed fight/battle scenes and if you don't mind a bit of nudity (full frontal), sex and blood (but, not all three at the same time, mind you.)...
Then, I'm pretty confident that you'll Love Spartacus: Blood and Sand.
*And Love Andy Whitfield's breathtaking lead performance.
Taliban Whips And Executes Pregnant Widow Accused Of Adultery
To Be Filed Under: "What Freaking Century Are We In, Again?".
Official Reports From Afghanistan Confirm The Tragic News That The Taliban - After Holding A Pregnant Widow In Captivity For Three Days - Has Executed Her.
The Reason?
The Pregnant Widow Had Been Accused Of Adultery.
My First Question: Is it that the woman didn't "look" pregnant prior to becoming a widow?
Of course, that doesn't mean that she wasn't pregnant.
So, A Pregnant Widow Was Accused Of Adultery And Then Executed.
That's Awful Enough.
But, There's More...
Apparently - In Taliban-Controlled Parts Of Afghanistan - If They Go From "Accusation" Directly To "Execution"... The Amount Of Horror Felt By And Fear Induced In Any Sane Witnesses Would Be Over Too Quickly.
If For Nothing Else, The One Thing The Taliban Can Be Counted On To Do Is This:
Making A World-Horrifying Spectacle Of Public Torture And Execution... Especially If It Involves Women.
In This Particular Case, The Taliban Managed To Abstain From Executing The Pregnant Widow...
Until After They'd Whipped Her 200 Times, Publicly.
And, It Was Only After The Pregnant Widow Had Been Struck 200 Times, That One Of The Taliban Finally Shot Her.
He Shot Her In The Head... Three Times.
(Source: Voice Of America News)
Half-way into the VOA article, my next question was:
"What About The Man?"
If The Widow Was Said To Be "Guilty" Because She Was Pregnant...
Well, Then The Man Who Committed Adultery With Her... The Man Who Impregnated The Widow Was Equally Guilty, Right?
Well, no.
Of course not.
This is the Taliban...
The Man Was Not Flogged.
The Man Was Not Shot - In The Head Or Anywhere Else.
The Man Was Not Punished.
No Justice. No Equality. No Humanity.
And they want to rule over every man, woman, boy and girl in Afghanistan, again.
IMHO: Humanity Must Do Everything It Can To Prevent That From Ever Happening.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Daily Show With Jon Stewart: CNN & Fox News Coverage Of Prop. 8 Decision
I present this brief, but laugh-out-loud funny, clip from The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.
In this clip, Jon takes aim at both the "man-on-the-street" and in-studio interview-style coverage of responses to this week's precedent-setting decision by a Republican-appointed Federal judge to overturn California's Prop. 8 - which banned same-sex marriage - as being unconstitutional, as presented by several major news networks.
Daily Show Full Episodes | Political Humor |
Thursday, August 05, 2010
GOP Congressional Candidates' Draconian Anti-Choice Views
In the situation where a child was raped by her father has become pregnant as a result of the rape... How would she (Angle) explain her position?
Ms. Angle's response ended with a remark about simply making what is "... a lemon situation into lemonade.".
(No, I'm not kidding.)
Apparently, in Ms. Angle's macabre mind, a victim of incest/rape who was made pregnant is nothing more than "a lemon situation".
And, following Ms. Angle's "logic"... She believes that to then force the victim of incest/rape to carry the pregnancy to term, go through labor and birth is simply taking a "lemon" and making "lemonade".
Personally, I find Ms. Angle's glib delivery of an utterly callous and insensitive, over-simplification rather horrifying.
Wait. There's more...
When Kentucky's Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, Rand Paul, was asked for his position on choice in cases of rape/incest...
Rand Paul began his response by noting the successful results in the use of "the morning-after pill" and he ended his statement with a remark about providing "... better family-planning."
"Better family-planning", Rand?
Between rapists and rape victims?
Sounds unbelievable... and rather disconcerting, no?
But, you don't have to simply take my word for it.
Here are these GOP Congressional Candidates, in their own words, on tape and on the record...
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Monday, August 02, 2010
Forget About The Cake, Marie... Eat The Rich, Instead!
Under President George W. Bush, the GOP never seemed to make a big fuss about nor any decisive moves to curtail his kid-in-a-candy-store spending habits.
Yet now, under President Barack Obama, the GOP is all about the importance of controlling spending and cutting the Deficit.
O.K.... But what, exactly, are Republicans in Congress willing to cut?
How about cutting the $35 Million in tax breaks given to the (highly-profitable) oil and gas industry?
The GOP said, "No."
How about off-setting those Bush tax-cuts?
The GOP said, "No."
How about the Dems "Pay-as-you-go" plan to off-set all new spending?
GOP: "No."
Well gee, GOP, what the heck are you willing to cut?
Well, Republicans in Congress finally said, "Yes" (Didn't think they had it in them)...
To cutting $6.7 Billion from The Food Stamp Program.
The Food Stamp Program!
This is a national program which both creates economic stimulus AND puts food on the tables of America's poor and their families.
Eviscerating the Food Stamp Program is a terrible, callous and contemptible course of action for the GOP.
Think about it.
The GOP doesn't want Congress to allow the multi-$Billion Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire.
But hey, when it comes to cutting the Deficit by taking food off the tables and out of the mouths of the poor, instead... They're all for it.
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