Thursday, October 01, 2020

Chrystul Kizer Is A Victim/Survivor: Drop All Charges & Help Her Heal!

"Kizer wasn't the only girl Volar sexually abused. In February 2018, Volar was arrested on charges of child sexual assault after a 15-year-old girl called 911 from his house, saying he'd given her drugs and was going to kill her.

Despite finding evidence in his home that Volar was sexually abusing about a dozen minors — including "hundreds" of child sexual abuse videos and more than 20 videos of Volar with underage black girls — he was released without bail(!) the same day(!)."

The above circumstances prove that local law enforcement and the district attorney were well aware that Volar was sexually abusing numerous, underage, Black girls. Kizer being only one of them. That local law enforcement released a known multiple child sex-trafficker out on the same day that he was arrested - on his own recognizance - and without setting a prohibitive bail so as to keep him from continuing his criminal, child-focused, sexual-predator behavior is unconscionable.

Kizer is a victim/survivor of child sexual abuse/child sex trafficking. She's a traumatized, repeatedly sexually-abused child. She needs and deserves specialized help: medical care, counseling and support to help her build a healthy, safe life. Society and local law enforcement and the "Justice" system had been put on notice about Volar - a child called 911 from his home, where a not-insignificant amount of evidence of his activities was gathered - and they all let her abuser walk free on the same day, to be free to continue abusing KIzer and other underage girls.

What Kizer - and other victims/survivors or sexual abuse/sex-trafficking - do not need or deserve is to be held in jail (for two years in Kizer's case) awaiting trial for first-degree murder.

Kizer's circumstances place her well within the guidelines for an affirmative defense.

What else does society/law-enforcement/the "justice" system expect her to do:  Call 911? That was already done. Notify law-enforcement? That was already done. Provide evidence for a successful prosecution of Volar? That had already been done. Run away? She was a child. Runaway children often end-up being sex-trafficked - which was already happening to her.

Kizer had no way out of her hellish existence. And, when she took matters into her own hands, that was quite obvious. She had started dating someone and didn't want to continue to be forced to have sex with Volar or any other men. So, when he attempted to force himself on her by pushing her to the floor and trying to rip her pants off, she managed to free herself, grab a gun, and permanently stop a repeat child sexual predator that no one else who had the authority and who knew what he was doing was willing to stop.

This bears repeating: a repeatedly raped/trafficked/traumatized, 17 year old, Chrystul Kizer stopped the child sexual predator/rapist/trafficker who had not only been raping and sex-trafficking her, but also numerous other underage, Black girls.

If she hadn't stopped him, then, he would have continued his child-raping and child sex-trafficking until somebody stopped him.

But, the problem with waiting for that to happen is that - obviously - no one else was going to stop him. And, sex-traffickers are well-known for killing girls that are problems for therm  And, why wouldn't they? There's always more where they came from.

This also bears repeating: Local law enforcement and the so-called-"Justice" system had caught Volar - literally - in the act of drugging a child in order to rape her, and they'd found proof of repeated child sexual-abuse, if not sex-trafficking. And, what did they do? They set him free - on the same day he had been arrested - with no bail required.

That thoughtless, reckless, unconscionable action proved to Kizer and any of the other abused girls that no one in authority was going to help them.

So, I ask again: What was Chrystul Kizer supposed to do?

Was she supposed to allow him to continue raping and trafficking her and other underage girls? Was she supposed to just take the abuse and cling to the hope that the authorities would decide - at some point - to, maybe, do something about him?

No. And, No.

Local law enforcement and the Justice system not only let Chrystul Kizer and the other girls down but, through their utter and complete dereliction of duty, they gave Volar a 'Get Out Of Jail FREE' card and left Kizer and the other girls at his mercy... of which he had none.

Kizer did what the "Justice" system should have done for her and the other girts. She stopped an evil, p.o.s., repeat child rapist and child sex trafficker. Not just for a few hours to inconvenience him, not for a few days, not for a few years, but for good. Truly "For Good". The traumatized Kizer made sure Volar could never rape or traffic her or any other girls ever again.

Bravo! She deserves a medal. She deserves the Key to the City. She deserves a freaking parade.

And, Kizer and the other girls are owed apologies from local law-enforcement (for not protecting them from Volar - a known child sexual predator/trafficker) and from the DA (for not protecting them from Volar - a known child sexual predator/trafficker).

Drop any/all of the unjust, heartless and ridiculous charges of any kind that she's been held on. And, I do mean "drop them". Don't knock them down to 2nd or 3rd-degree murder. Don't knock them down to manslaughter. Drop the arson and the charge related to driving off in Volar's car, too.

Chrystul Kizer was 17 when this happened. She was a child. She was horribly, traumatized. The "Justice" system - which had let her and the other girls abuse continue - charged her with 1st degree murder for thinking about and then killing her abuser when he, for the nth time, attempted to rape her.

She and the other girls need intensive help and therapy, not punishment.

She did what the law and justice systems refused to do: She stopped a very bad man from continuing to to very bad things to children.

Considering the fact that those entrusted with the duty of protecting children from violent, sexual predators failed beyond belief to do so, then those same authorities have no right or justification to punish her for saving herself and the other girls from that hell.

What the authorities owe Chrystul Kizer and the other victims/survivors - at the least - is to ensure that they all receive adequate, professional help.

Stop punishing girls and women who find themselves in the position of ending their sexual abuse/torture/trafficking by whatever means possible and/or necessary.  Especially when those charged with protecting them have failed to do so.

Do It. Now.

Cyntoia Brown-Long Is Speaking Out In Support Of A Teen Sex Trafficking Victim Who Killed Her Abuser

WE'RE ALL DOOMED - Trump vs. Biden ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

Hello Friends:

Yes, it's been a while. Too long, in fact.

Witnessing Donald Trump's and his GOP-enablers debauched dismantling of America's 200-something year old experiment in Democracy, their dung-soiling of her global reputation and influence, their abysmal bending-over for Vladimir Putin (Hello? Trump STILL has done nothing about those Russian bounties for dead American and Allied troops!), their obsessive-compulsive keistering of unqualified, inexperienced, and unfit, RW jurists into federal benches, their compulsive lying, Trump's utter unfitness, narcissism, and prioritizing of self-dealing over speaking the Truth and taking effective, science-based, nationwide actions to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID-19 (207,000+ dead and counting), the GOP's demonstrably-treasonous aiding and abetting of Trump's numerous, demonstrably-treasonous acts... smh.

Please join me in visualizing and praying / wishing / hoping / asking / working for Trump's illegitimate (Hello? Trump asked for and accepted the aid of Vladimir Putin and Russian Intelligence during his campaign - That's not only cheating, it's treasonous.) and, thankfully, brief occupancy of the Oval Office to be successfully & legally annulled ASAP.


Yes! The past nearly four years have been a ridiculously-rough road for the vast majority of us.

But, that said, this is NOT the time to let yourself or anyone around you feel despondent, depressed or to consider giving-up!

That's what treasonous Trump and his treasonous future co-defendents want us to do.

Fight back by continuing to fight back: Register to vote. Register friends, family, neighbors to vote. Vote-by-mail / Absentee-vote when & where available (It's IS Safe!) Read all instructions and fulfill all requirements (include/seal any security envelopes, sign where is tells you to sign, if required, acquire witness-signatures, whatever). Send your ballot back as soon as it's allowed. Where you can track your vote online, please do so.

If you're voting in-person on November 3rd, please confirm the location and hours of your polling place ahead of time. Please wear a mask and social-distance. If long lines are expected, please bring a book, bottled water, snacks, something to sit on (if allowed), your patriotic patience, and your sense of humor.

See that light at the end of the long, dark, torturous tunnel we've all been slogging through, together?

Good News: Its not an oncoming train!

It's THE OTHER SIDE of the tumultuous, terrifying "Trump Error"!*

(*No, Mr. Brian Williams of MSNBC, it never was / is / nor shall it ever officially be referred to as the "Trump Era")

It's my most sincere hope that you and yours are all staying safe, healthy, content and sane (as much as is possible, all things considered).

Please, remember to confirm your voter's registration, follow vote-by-mail / absentee vote instructions to the letter, or, confirm your polling location for November 3rd.

And, Please, Vote BLUE, up and down your ballot.
We'll see each other on the glorious, greener, other side!

Here's a brief, energetic, musical, funny video to (hopefully) bring a smile to-and laughter from you! 

ICYMI: The Very Best of us are... you know, "Weird".

@alyankovic deserves to be awarded Poet Laureate.