Friday, October 01, 2010

GOP Leadership: "How are the mighty fallen..." Or: From Integrity To LCD

Oh, GOP Leadership...

What sad, regretful events we find ourselves witnesses to...

"How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle"

And, with each passing day, it is ever more surprising how much farther the (once) mighty fall/are willing to fling themselves.

The Congressional GOP Leadership - those select individuals who consistently showed themselves to be exceptional examples of "rising above" and whose words and actions showed the considerable amount of wisdom they'd cultivated and valued - even if it wasn't popular with those with... ah, flexible/pliable morals/character.

Those respected leaders whom the GOP membership looked to as Standard Bearers.

(Heck, even I had a great deal of respect for them.)

Those individuals who not only refused to participate in infantile mud-slinging and lame, low-down & dirty politics, but who condemned such petty behavior...

Those few who never "waffled"...

Have now, sadly, themselves crumbled, collapsed & caved...

Falling phenomenally fast from those hard-won and well-deserved positions of respect and trust...

Appearing to have now abandoned entirely, their life-long moral high-ground...

Only to join the rank and file of lost and misled...

The ones who - because they are suffering under the manipulations of petty politicians of questionable character for whom being low-down, dirty and mud-slinging is a celebratory achievement - are most in need of their formerly invaluable, experience-rich guidance...

They've now taken up the very same undignified behaviors which they themselves had recently and rightfully condemned: inappropriate and completely-off-the-point assertions and already-refuted innuendos... ones previously-acknowledged as laughable; ludicrous; ridiculous; desperate and utterly undignified...

In other words... the LCD.

Here's a brief clip from TRMS... which illustrates this unhappy transformation perfectly...

Enjoy (?)

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