Sunday, March 28, 2021

SNL: Colin Jost in Weekend Update: Biden Calls for Background Checks

The "Other Guy" is G-O-N-E. 😂

And, I'm BAAAAAACK. 🤩❣️

Coincidence?  I think not. 🎉🍾🎊🎇🎸💖 

The sublime Colin Jost (co-host with Michael Che) in Weekend Update on last night's episode of Saturday Night Live:

"And, Republicans please stop pretending this is a Second Amendment issue, and just admit you love guns more than people you don't know.

These are your political ads.
You look like you're running for the president of ISIS.

If you actually cared about the Second Amendment, you'd care about the "well-regulated militias" part.

I don't know if you noticed - when they almost hung you two months ago - but our militias aren't super "well-regulated"."*

*The only thing I'd add: "BOOM." (mic drop)

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Chrystul Kizer Is A Victim/Survivor: Drop All Charges & Help Her Heal!

"Kizer wasn't the only girl Volar sexually abused. In February 2018, Volar was arrested on charges of child sexual assault after a 15-year-old girl called 911 from his house, saying he'd given her drugs and was going to kill her.

Despite finding evidence in his home that Volar was sexually abusing about a dozen minors — including "hundreds" of child sexual abuse videos and more than 20 videos of Volar with underage black girls — he was released without bail(!) the same day(!)."

The above circumstances prove that local law enforcement and the district attorney were well aware that Volar was sexually abusing numerous, underage, Black girls. Kizer being only one of them. That local law enforcement released a known multiple child sex-trafficker out on the same day that he was arrested - on his own recognizance - and without setting a prohibitive bail so as to keep him from continuing his criminal, child-focused, sexual-predator behavior is unconscionable.

Kizer is a victim/survivor of child sexual abuse/child sex trafficking. She's a traumatized, repeatedly sexually-abused child. She needs and deserves specialized help: medical care, counseling and support to help her build a healthy, safe life. Society and local law enforcement and the "Justice" system had been put on notice about Volar - a child called 911 from his home, where a not-insignificant amount of evidence of his activities was gathered - and they all let her abuser walk free on the same day, to be free to continue abusing KIzer and other underage girls.

What Kizer - and other victims/survivors or sexual abuse/sex-trafficking - do not need or deserve is to be held in jail (for two years in Kizer's case) awaiting trial for first-degree murder.

Kizer's circumstances place her well within the guidelines for an affirmative defense.

What else does society/law-enforcement/the "justice" system expect her to do:  Call 911? That was already done. Notify law-enforcement? That was already done. Provide evidence for a successful prosecution of Volar? That had already been done. Run away? She was a child. Runaway children often end-up being sex-trafficked - which was already happening to her.

Kizer had no way out of her hellish existence. And, when she took matters into her own hands, that was quite obvious. She had started dating someone and didn't want to continue to be forced to have sex with Volar or any other men. So, when he attempted to force himself on her by pushing her to the floor and trying to rip her pants off, she managed to free herself, grab a gun, and permanently stop a repeat child sexual predator that no one else who had the authority and who knew what he was doing was willing to stop.

This bears repeating: a repeatedly raped/trafficked/traumatized, 17 year old, Chrystul Kizer stopped the child sexual predator/rapist/trafficker who had not only been raping and sex-trafficking her, but also numerous other underage, Black girls.

If she hadn't stopped him, then, he would have continued his child-raping and child sex-trafficking until somebody stopped him.

But, the problem with waiting for that to happen is that - obviously - no one else was going to stop him. And, sex-traffickers are well-known for killing girls that are problems for therm  And, why wouldn't they? There's always more where they came from.

This also bears repeating: Local law enforcement and the so-called-"Justice" system had caught Volar - literally - in the act of drugging a child in order to rape her, and they'd found proof of repeated child sexual-abuse, if not sex-trafficking. And, what did they do? They set him free - on the same day he had been arrested - with no bail required.

That thoughtless, reckless, unconscionable action proved to Kizer and any of the other abused girls that no one in authority was going to help them.

So, I ask again: What was Chrystul Kizer supposed to do?

Was she supposed to allow him to continue raping and trafficking her and other underage girls? Was she supposed to just take the abuse and cling to the hope that the authorities would decide - at some point - to, maybe, do something about him?

No. And, No.

Local law enforcement and the Justice system not only let Chrystul Kizer and the other girls down but, through their utter and complete dereliction of duty, they gave Volar a 'Get Out Of Jail FREE' card and left Kizer and the other girls at his mercy... of which he had none.

Kizer did what the "Justice" system should have done for her and the other girts. She stopped an evil, p.o.s., repeat child rapist and child sex trafficker. Not just for a few hours to inconvenience him, not for a few days, not for a few years, but for good. Truly "For Good". The traumatized Kizer made sure Volar could never rape or traffic her or any other girls ever again.

Bravo! She deserves a medal. She deserves the Key to the City. She deserves a freaking parade.

And, Kizer and the other girls are owed apologies from local law-enforcement (for not protecting them from Volar - a known child sexual predator/trafficker) and from the DA (for not protecting them from Volar - a known child sexual predator/trafficker).

Drop any/all of the unjust, heartless and ridiculous charges of any kind that she's been held on. And, I do mean "drop them". Don't knock them down to 2nd or 3rd-degree murder. Don't knock them down to manslaughter. Drop the arson and the charge related to driving off in Volar's car, too.

Chrystul Kizer was 17 when this happened. She was a child. She was horribly, traumatized. The "Justice" system - which had let her and the other girls abuse continue - charged her with 1st degree murder for thinking about and then killing her abuser when he, for the nth time, attempted to rape her.

She and the other girls need intensive help and therapy, not punishment.

She did what the law and justice systems refused to do: She stopped a very bad man from continuing to to very bad things to children.

Considering the fact that those entrusted with the duty of protecting children from violent, sexual predators failed beyond belief to do so, then those same authorities have no right or justification to punish her for saving herself and the other girls from that hell.

What the authorities owe Chrystul Kizer and the other victims/survivors - at the least - is to ensure that they all receive adequate, professional help.

Stop punishing girls and women who find themselves in the position of ending their sexual abuse/torture/trafficking by whatever means possible and/or necessary.  Especially when those charged with protecting them have failed to do so.

Do It. Now.

Cyntoia Brown-Long Is Speaking Out In Support Of A Teen Sex Trafficking Victim Who Killed Her Abuser

WE'RE ALL DOOMED - Trump vs. Biden ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

Hello Friends:

Yes, it's been a while. Too long, in fact.

Witnessing Donald Trump's and his GOP-enablers debauched dismantling of America's 200-something year old experiment in Democracy, their dung-soiling of her global reputation and influence, their abysmal bending-over for Vladimir Putin (Hello? Trump STILL has done nothing about those Russian bounties for dead American and Allied troops!), their obsessive-compulsive keistering of unqualified, inexperienced, and unfit, RW jurists into federal benches, their compulsive lying, Trump's utter unfitness, narcissism, and prioritizing of self-dealing over speaking the Truth and taking effective, science-based, nationwide actions to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID-19 (207,000+ dead and counting), the GOP's demonstrably-treasonous aiding and abetting of Trump's numerous, demonstrably-treasonous acts... smh.

Please join me in visualizing and praying / wishing / hoping / asking / working for Trump's illegitimate (Hello? Trump asked for and accepted the aid of Vladimir Putin and Russian Intelligence during his campaign - That's not only cheating, it's treasonous.) and, thankfully, brief occupancy of the Oval Office to be successfully & legally annulled ASAP.


Yes! The past nearly four years have been a ridiculously-rough road for the vast majority of us.

But, that said, this is NOT the time to let yourself or anyone around you feel despondent, depressed or to consider giving-up!

That's what treasonous Trump and his treasonous future co-defendents want us to do.

Fight back by continuing to fight back: Register to vote. Register friends, family, neighbors to vote. Vote-by-mail / Absentee-vote when & where available (It's IS Safe!) Read all instructions and fulfill all requirements (include/seal any security envelopes, sign where is tells you to sign, if required, acquire witness-signatures, whatever). Send your ballot back as soon as it's allowed. Where you can track your vote online, please do so.

If you're voting in-person on November 3rd, please confirm the location and hours of your polling place ahead of time. Please wear a mask and social-distance. If long lines are expected, please bring a book, bottled water, snacks, something to sit on (if allowed), your patriotic patience, and your sense of humor.

See that light at the end of the long, dark, torturous tunnel we've all been slogging through, together?

Good News: Its not an oncoming train!

It's THE OTHER SIDE of the tumultuous, terrifying "Trump Error"!*

(*No, Mr. Brian Williams of MSNBC, it never was / is / nor shall it ever officially be referred to as the "Trump Era")

It's my most sincere hope that you and yours are all staying safe, healthy, content and sane (as much as is possible, all things considered).

Please, remember to confirm your voter's registration, follow vote-by-mail / absentee vote instructions to the letter, or, confirm your polling location for November 3rd.

And, Please, Vote BLUE, up and down your ballot.
We'll see each other on the glorious, greener, other side!

Here's a brief, energetic, musical, funny video to (hopefully) bring a smile to-and laughter from you! 

ICYMI: The Very Best of us are... you know, "Weird".

@alyankovic deserves to be awarded Poet Laureate.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hey RANDY RAINBOW: Donald Jessica Trump Finally COVERED HIS 'FREAKIN' FACE'... Briefly (sigh)

(photo credit: the
"President Trump wore a face mask during his visit to (a COVID-19 treatment ward in) Walter Reed hospital on Saturday, marking the first time he has done so in front of cameras." (from:

IF he stops*: We know two things:

1.) We #WearAMask To Protect Others and

2.) Trump Wears A Mask To Protect Himself From Others.

(*He's already stopped)

Please Enjoy: COVER YOUR FREAKIN' FACE! - Another Brilliant #RandyRainbow Song Parody via @YouTube

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Louisville Police Released Breonna Taylor's Incident Report: It's Four, Mostly-Blank Pages.

Re: The unjustified shooting death of 26 y.o. EMT, Breonna Taylor (a civilian), in her home by three plainclothes, unannounced, "no-knock" warrant-using, Louisville Metro Police Department officers in Kentucky, 3 - 4 months ago:

I'm not suggesting there's an official cover-up going on. Nor am I suggesting any conspiracy theories, whatsoever...

But, the official LMPD incident report released to the public consisted of four, mostly-blank pages and, it "... lists her injuries as "none," even though she was shot at least eight times and died on her hallway floor in a pool of blood, according to attorneys for her family."

Does that make any sort of sense to you?

Louisville police release the Breonna Taylor incident report. It's virtually blank

The UK Government Was Given Evidence That Trump Was In Putin's Pocket. They Chose To Ignore That Evidence In Favor Of Pursuing Their Own Political Goals.


Former MI6 (Military Intelligence) agent Christopher "Steele said that he had handed over a dossier on Trump’s links to Russia in 2016, but that “no inquiries were made or actions taken thereafter.”(!)

Of course they weren't (*sigh).

*Thank you, ever so much: Theresa May and Boris Johnson!

Can you say, "Russian Asset"?*

I knew you could!

* IF you simply and objectively look at the accumulated evidence (even just the evidence that's been public-knowledge) Donald Trump's public statements, official decisions and actual actions all manage to serve Putin's and/or the Kremlin's interests:

1.) NATIONAL DESTABILIZATION/GLOBAL WEAKENING of these United States (Trump gleefully engages in throwing gasoline on- and/or fanning the flames of- division (racial, political, educational, economic, etc.) between Americans (textbook methods to "Divide and Conquer"); Trump's support of BREXIT; vocal and public support of RW/extremist/racist/xenophobic/repressive/anti-democratic politicians/governments in European countries and other ally nations.

2.) WEAKENING of the European Union (supporting BREXIT; supporting/promoting RW/extremist/racist/xenophobic/repressive/anti-democratic politicians/governments; threatening to pull out of NATO; pulling American security troops out/ opening the door for Turkish troops to pour into previously-peaceful, Kurdish rebel-held territories, facilitating the Turks' taking over and freeing ISIS terrorist prisoners, attacking/killing of our historic allies in the region - the Kurdish rebels - whom the Turks openly villainize and encourage violence towards; withdrawing American troops from Germany, etc.).

3.) WEAKENING of- and/or abolishment of NATO ("North Atlantic Treaty Organization") (by threatening to pull America completely out of NATO; pulling troops out of Germany - actions which actively-remove significant amounts of historically-successful deterrence - as well as layers of security - that have kept Putin and the Kremlin from carrying out it's historic and decades' long love of military aggression and geographic expansion; et. al.).

Regardless of whether Trump's gratuitous (Trump is a fanboy of- and is submissive to-  Vladimir Putin and a number of other violent, anti-Democratic, journalist-assassinating, whistle-blower-assassinating , authoritarian dictators; he took Putin's cat-that-ate-the-canary-smiling denial of Russian 2016 election interference over the entire U.S. Intelligence Community's evidence-based findings that Russia had definitely interfered in the 2016 election - in order to get Trump into the White House, where he could proceed to do/has actually done Putin's bidding), embarrassing (see: 2016 election interference, et. al.) and national security-damaging (see: revealing confidential, national-security information to Russians in the Oval Office (which endangered the lives of American and Israeli intelligence agents and assets), 2016 election interference, et. al.), servitude to Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin is voluntary (i.e. Trump's is neck-deep in numerous, documented, multi-million dollar, Putin- and Russian oligarch-related interests like his long-held desire to erect a "Trump Tower" in Moscow - a project which he denied and lied to Americans about prior to the 2016 election) or involuntary (extortion: video, audio, photographic)...

It's still... well... Treason.*

(*The "Cold War" with Russia continues, so, yes, it does meet the requirement for legal use of "treason".)

So, please, take a deep, cleansing breath - or several... wake-up, and smell the Reality.

IF ONLY FOR the sake of the continued existence of these United States of America and for the re-ignition of our once globally-gleaming beacon of Democracy.

This link will open a new tab with the original article from :

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Donald J. Trump Has Been Tested And Found Wanting

Yesterday, at his disappointingly-attended inaugural campaign rally in Tulsa, OK, Trump promoted his (it-would-be-funny-in-a-Saturday-Night-Live-skit-but-it's-deadly-in-a-President) common-senseless plan to "slow the testing down" (national COVID-19 testing), because, apparently, in his Adderall-addled mind, doing so would reduce the number of COVID-19 cases.* 

(*This is the same person who, initially, refused to let a cruise ship dock in Oakland, CA, and let passengers disembark because it had been reported that some of them had COVID-19. And, Trump objected to letting those American citizens set foot on American soil and, thereby, raise the number of American COVID-19 cases. Cases which Trump has viewed and continues to view through his malignantly-narcissistic lens as "his" cases - not America's or Americans' - and, therefore, he considers them to be demerits against him).

Almost immediately afterward, Trump campaign spokespeople, his administration, Congressional Republicans and other Trump loyalists were all hurriedly backpedaling and downplaying Trump's ignorant statements. They all repeated their worn-out and broken-record explanation that: "He was just being 'tongue-in-cheek'". Those Trump-apologists are shameless and dishonest.

To date, at least 120,000 Americans (and counting) have died from COVID-19. If we continue on our current path of viral-denial, then, the number of Americans killed by COVID-19 is expected to reach 200,000 by September. So, making such remarks - even if intended to be "tongue-in-cheek" -   isn't even the slightest bit funny. It's callous, insensitive and utterly out-of-touch with the clear, present, highly-contagious and very deadly threat that the Trump administration - through their slow response, inadequate actions, and continuing inaction (not empowering the Defense Production Act to force U.S. companies to manufacture still scarce and desperately-needed PPE for front-line workers. He did it for meat-production, but refuses to do it for Personal Protective Equipment production) allowed to infiltrate and decimate so many of our fellow Americans (particularly in under-served communities of color).

In our current, collective, connected reality, the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have been on the rise in many U,S. states. Despite this worrisome fact, VP Mike Pence just penned an op-ed in which he declared that there's "no second wave" of COVID-19 in America.

Well, he's absolutely right (I know. I can't believe I'm saying that, either). But, it's true. There is no second wave in America, at present. But, the reason for that is because America hasn't made it through the first wave... not yet.

And, as this May 15, 2020 article (below) proves, Trump's rally, yesterday, wasn't the first time that Trump has put his science-challenged thought processes on display and declared that, "if there was no testing, there would be no cases".

Hospitals, ICUs, and funeral-homes across the country would collectively and vociferously-refute such demonstrably-false claims.

Trump Seems To Think There’d Be No Coronavirus If There Was No Testing...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Donald J. Trump Death Cult And It's Aftermath...

(I wrote the following blog entry exactly one week ago, as I walked my dog along empty streets framed with boarded up storefronts, the rare passerby (most wearing a mask and social-distancing, nervously). I had finished it before I'd made it back home...

Every single person/entity that voted for the utterly incompetent and unqualified Donald Trump for President in 2016...

Every single person/entity who donated to Trump’s 2016 campaign...

Every single person/entity who supported Trump in any way/shape/form...

Every single member of the U.S. Representatives and every single U.S. Senator who ever turned a blind eye/acted as if they possessed deaf ears/refused to fulfill their Oath of Office ("Protect and Defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies - foreign and domestic") and/or voted to install incompetent and/or unqualified people as agency heads or as federal judges and/or voted for that $2 trillion tax break for millionaires, billionaires, and big corporations and/or voted to give away billions of dollars in "small business loans" to wealthy corporations and/or refused to vote to impeach Trump and/or refused to remove the justifiably impeached Trump from office...

Each and every single one of YOU has contributed to and/or played a part in making this ongoing, completely-avoidable, national public health and economic disaster possible.

Each and every single one of YOU has enabled and encouraged the malignantly-narcissistic, sociopathic, fantasist that is Donald J. Trump to continue to occupy the most powerful position in the country and in the entire world... even though this full-grown man continues to whine and complain about and attack those who criticize his unconscionable inaction/callous indifference/endless self-praising... as he continues take actions that only benefit his wealthy donors, big corporations, himself and his family... as he plays golf and holds campaign rallies while this far-from-"invisible" enemy continues to spread out - unabated and unmitigated - across the United States... despite the fact that Donald Trump empowered the Defense Production Act to force COVID-19-riddled meat-packing facilities to keep producing meat products... while our heroic, and  essential front-line medical and other workers continue to fulfill their job duties despite experiencing a continuing lack of desperately needed and, yet, inexcusably rare PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), which Donald J. Trump could empower the DPA to manufacture in the U.S. - right now ... YOU have all had a hand in creating the circumstances that allowed these once-avoidable and, now, excruciatingly painful (in loss of human lives) and massively damaging (economically) events to take their shocking toll on all of US.

There are, now, well over 1.5 million cases of COVID-19 and counting in the United States of America.  There are, now, at least 98,000+ and counting COVID-19-related dead Americans in the United States of America.

A mourner at a funeral home in NY took this photo of room overflowing w/ bodies.

And, ICYMI ~ ALL of this very real, human loss and pain and all of the long-term economic suffering that has/is resulted/resulting because YOU have allowed Donald Trump to continue to corruptly-occupy the Office of the President of these United States of America... ALL of the unnecessary and utterly avoidable death and destruction wrought by Donald J. Trump's abysmal response to a viral threat that the entire world saw coming in January and February... the responsiblity for all of it falls on - not only him, but - ALL of YOU, too (regardless of whether or not you accept that responsibility - it's still YOURS).

Jared Kushner By GASLIGHT: If You Smell Gas... Don't Light A Match!

President Obama at the Vietnam War. Memorial (58,000+ American casulaties)

Around April 29, 2029..."a devastating statistic emerged from the coronavirus crisis: in a matter of months, more Americans have died from the virus than in the Vietnam War." (a death toll which culminated over 20 (twenty!) years across a theatre of battle and which also resulted in anti-war protests and murdered anti-war protesters back home).

One of four unarmed Kent University student shot to death by Ohio National Guard at a Peace Rally on campus.

And, yes, we know that Trump & his administration didn't cause the pandemic...

Still, it's still common knowledge that Trump's "shambolic response to COVID-19—from ignoring the early, dire warnings, to declaring them fake news, to putting a dog-breeder (Alex Azar) in charge of the Health and Human Services task force, to listening to literally anything the first son-in-law (Jared Kushner) had to say on the matter— allowed the deadly disease to gain a foothold in the United States, where, to date, more than one million people have tested positive and more than 58,000 have died."

That was just a month ago.

May 29, 2020 Update: 

Since this article was published in Vanity Fair, an additional 40,000 Americans have been killed by this highly-contagious, still-out-of-control, and deadly virus...

 40,000+ dead more Americans (and counting) ago...

And, Donald J. Trump's most-trusted advisor, Jared Kushner (who is not an epidemiologist), called Trump's COVID-19 response 'a great success story'...

"Gaslighting": A tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a person(s) question their reality.

Gaslight, much?

Jared Kushner Declares 58,000 Dead Americans “A Great Success Story”

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Absolute Unconscionable Presidential Irresponsibility

President Harry S. Truman: "The Buck Stops Here."

"President" Donald J. Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"... for the criminally-negligent federal response to the global COVID-19 pandemic that continues to savage America and which has already killed over 73,000 (and counting) of our fellow Americans.

Wait a minute (Cue record back-scratch)!

Is he not "The President"?  Is he not the President who wields - according to him - Absolute Power?

Wait!  "If he’s not ultimately responsible, who is?"

"Who runs the country?"*

*Answer:  Donald J. Trump is ultimately responsible.  Regardless of his cherry-picked denials.  He's the "Chief Executive" of these United States.  He's running the country.  

And, the terrifying thing is:  He's running our country just like one of his businesses.  Exactly like one of the various businesses he destroyed / ran right into the ground / ran into bankruptcy... and then, he just walked away.

Danger!  Danger Will Robinson!

This is an Emergency!

The Big Bad Wolf is in the Hen House and He's Slaughtering all of the Hens!

Please check out this article:

Presidential Irresponsibility In Spades

Thank You!