Sunday, June 21, 2020

Donald J. Trump Has Been Tested And Found Wanting

Yesterday, at his disappointingly-attended inaugural campaign rally in Tulsa, OK, Trump promoted his (it-would-be-funny-in-a-Saturday-Night-Live-skit-but-it's-deadly-in-a-President) common-senseless plan to "slow the testing down" (national COVID-19 testing), because, apparently, in his Adderall-addled mind, doing so would reduce the number of COVID-19 cases.* 

(*This is the same person who, initially, refused to let a cruise ship dock in Oakland, CA, and let passengers disembark because it had been reported that some of them had COVID-19. And, Trump objected to letting those American citizens set foot on American soil and, thereby, raise the number of American COVID-19 cases. Cases which Trump has viewed and continues to view through his malignantly-narcissistic lens as "his" cases - not America's or Americans' - and, therefore, he considers them to be demerits against him).

Almost immediately afterward, Trump campaign spokespeople, his administration, Congressional Republicans and other Trump loyalists were all hurriedly backpedaling and downplaying Trump's ignorant statements. They all repeated their worn-out and broken-record explanation that: "He was just being 'tongue-in-cheek'". Those Trump-apologists are shameless and dishonest.

To date, at least 120,000 Americans (and counting) have died from COVID-19. If we continue on our current path of viral-denial, then, the number of Americans killed by COVID-19 is expected to reach 200,000 by September. So, making such remarks - even if intended to be "tongue-in-cheek" -   isn't even the slightest bit funny. It's callous, insensitive and utterly out-of-touch with the clear, present, highly-contagious and very deadly threat that the Trump administration - through their slow response, inadequate actions, and continuing inaction (not empowering the Defense Production Act to force U.S. companies to manufacture still scarce and desperately-needed PPE for front-line workers. He did it for meat-production, but refuses to do it for Personal Protective Equipment production) allowed to infiltrate and decimate so many of our fellow Americans (particularly in under-served communities of color).

In our current, collective, connected reality, the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have been on the rise in many U,S. states. Despite this worrisome fact, VP Mike Pence just penned an op-ed in which he declared that there's "no second wave" of COVID-19 in America.

Well, he's absolutely right (I know. I can't believe I'm saying that, either). But, it's true. There is no second wave in America, at present. But, the reason for that is because America hasn't made it through the first wave... not yet.

And, as this May 15, 2020 article (below) proves, Trump's rally, yesterday, wasn't the first time that Trump has put his science-challenged thought processes on display and declared that, "if there was no testing, there would be no cases".

Hospitals, ICUs, and funeral-homes across the country would collectively and vociferously-refute such demonstrably-false claims.

Trump Seems To Think There’d Be No Coronavirus If There Was No Testing...

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